Category: Parenthood
I am mom…hear me bully
Motherhood today is not quite the same as motherhood in previous times. We mothers have a new knitting circle, a new book club, a completely new place to interact with others of similar ilk. Social Media Facebook, twitter and instagram are all the new medium in which mothers can gossip, interact and exchange advice with…
“I went to look at for fun…. That wasn’t fun… Back to housework and watching the kids. #uselesscollegedegree” @MomsForOpie
First of all, @momsforopie rules. She started this blog, and provides a lot of great parenting links on twitter that don’t include the pros of breastfeeding, rear facing car seats, and the benefits of an anti-gluten, vegan, anti-lactoseseulose diet. Secondly, I’m back bitches. (No one cares) I always wanted blogging to be a regular thing but had…