- First and Middle name – Sheila
- Age- 40
- Lucky number and why- I rely on a random number generator because of an indifference to luck.
- Kids (names and ages)9y, 8y, 5y
- What is your go-to online handle and why? something with the word mom in it, or playgrounds just cause it’s a big part of my life right now.
- Married? his/her name and how long have you been together? Rick, since 98, he’s a sweetheart.
- Siblings? tell us- little brother, Eddie
- Aunt/Uncle? brag.. –I have 4 nephews, and 2 nieces. Love that whenever we get together all the cousins get along pretty well. Great kids.
- Career- family friendly websites is my thing right now, before that I was a program manager for an explosive trace detection company.
- Nickname- Sheil, She, She-ra, princess of power
- Favorite band/singer- I’m so all over the place with this. Beatles, Tom Petty, Tori Amos
- Favorite song- Mary Jane’s Last Dance
- Tattoos? how many/of what/why? 0-never had a hint of a desire for one.
- Favorite time of day- dusk
- What the hell do you look like? short, brown usually looking lost.
- What phrase/song lyric/quote really speaks to you – : “Nothing will ever be attempted if all possible objections must first be overcome.” -Samuel Johnson.
- What is the biggest struggle in your life- Balance
- Name the 3 best moments in your life- birth of children, meeting my husband and realizing he’s the one I want to live with for the rest of my life. Realizing that I could mess up questionnaires and other little things and it will be ok.
- Name the 3 worst moments in your life- when my best intentions are taken the wrong way, and I realize that I f**ked up royally, feeling so stuck when i was younger and knowing I would never be really accepted by my family if they really knew me, killing that man in Texas. (just kidding about one of these)
- What character flaw in other people do you detest the most- disdain/arrogance
- What was the single thing about becoming a parent that surprised you the most? There’s so much gray areas, and they probably will turn out ok, even if you mess up.
- Can you spot crazy in others immediately? how? I would say I get a whiff of crazy and then the evidence gathering begins… Oh yeah I think this one’s a winner, yep… This happens alot at birthday parties. Oh dear Jesus, you need a therapist.. god help you, im going to get a piece of cake, excuse me..
- What causes you to block other people on social media (i.e. Facebook/Twitter/instagram etc) Hate tweets, narrow mindedness
- 5 famous dead people are coming to dinner, who are they? JFK, Moses, Joan Rivers, Patrice O Neil and Anne Frank
- Can you sing? Of course! Everyone can sing! Let’s karaoke!
- What do you consider your talents? Making my kids laugh and being silly, Crying at the sappiest moments, Figuring out stuff
- Name 3 major fears Death of loved ones, letting a friend down, rodents
- Who is your best friend? my first college roommate
- Favorite animal and why dog, they are sweet and good
- Most prized possession sense of humor, without it I’d be in pretty bad shape
- Favorite movie(s) Magnolia
- If I caught you with your nose in a book, what kind is it? Some self-help/spiritual reading, anything about the mind… I should’ve been a psychologist
- Favorite book I devour books, but then forget about them. Really loving Quiet by Susan Caine right now. Don’t have a standard go -to.
- Favorite color Blue
- First heartbreak Mark
- That one friend you wished you still talked to Ruben or Hector- lost touch with these guys, they gave me the best laughs
- If you could live anywhere in the world…where? Hawaii but only if I dragged everyone with me. I love my life.
- (for married women) did you keep your wedding gown? Yes
- Do you feel online friendships are ‘real’ friendships? Yes, I really believe we are all connected, and sometimes I feel like I can share more with my online community, then my “IRL” community. For example I didn’t tell anyone except my best friend about my biopsy, but made a joke about it on twitter, and although I may be naive, I do think people do care, even if they don’t even really “know” you.
- do you believe in Karma? wow, I would say yes, but then when the bad shit happens to good people, it makes me question everything.
- Naps? If life allows it, hell yes!
- The celebrity you hate with the heat of a thousand suns? I can’t stand Rod Stewart’s voice, but I have nothing against him personally. I have dislike for people who think they are above it all, so that’s a bunch.
- If you could visit any period in history, when and where? Egypt, pyramids, I want to see how they did it.
- Coffin or cremated? Cremated
- What is your earliest memory? Baby brother in a bassinet
- What song can make you cry? Time Stand Still- Rush
- What store do you like your gift certificates from? Macys and/or Amazon
- Who really makes you laugh? Hubs and Louis CK. Oh and Queen Elisabeth and a bunch of funny people I follow on twitter.
- Have you ever met anyone famous? Do tell… Louis CK, Opie, both great nice guys. A bunch of others, but nothing memorable.
- If you could change one quality about yourself what would it be? Overthinking crap
All about “Moms”
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